Water purification information

What do we need to pay attention to when we use water purifier for the first time, and for routine maintenance?

Views : 11727
Author : Susan
Update time : 2024-07-25 17:59:37

With the improvement of living standards and health awareness, healthy and safe drinking water has become a top priority for people. The emergence of water purifiers, so that healthy and safe drinking water into a new stage, more and more families choose to use water purifiers as a family terminal water quality control program. So, some of the precautions for the use of water purifiers you all know?

A . First use:

1, open the tap, tap water inlet ball valve, purified water faucet, rinse for 15 minutes, until the water is clear and foam-free. Rinse process frequently switch the faucet (off 3 seconds, open 10 seconds) so that the water flow to form a pulsating impact, so that the rinsing effect is better.

2, close the sewage faucet, open the purification faucet, water production can be used normally after 5 minutes.

B.  Daily use:
1, often smooth flushing: tap water process also rinsed the water purifier, it is recommended that after taking the purified water to open the tap flushing, timely flushing away retained pollutants, to maintain the water purifier water flux, so as to extend the service life.

2, backwash to restore water production: if the water purifier after flushing water production is still small, you can consider backwashing.

C.  Water purifier use attention:
1, the water purifier should always keep the ultrafiltration membrane cartridge in a moist state after use. If the ultrafiltration membrane cartridge dries out, it will lead to a sharp drop in water production and can not be restored.

2, if the water supply is stopped, first open the sewage faucet to drain the tap inside the sediment, rust, etc., and then open the purification faucet to use water purification.

3, more than three days do not use the water purifier, again when you use the water purifier should be repeatedly rinsed down the water purifier for 2-5 minutes, until the water purifier memory water discharge.

4, water purifier use, often rinse the water purifier, which can also effectively extend the service life of the water purifier.

5, the water purifier water quality is related to the total water production of the water purifier, if the water purifier into the water quality is good, the total water production rose, and vice versa, the total water production fell, the corresponding filter life will be slightly shorter.

6, long-term use of water purifiers, water production will gradually decline, but the quality of water production is still qualified, can be used without fear.

7, water purifier products failures immediately close the tap water valve, cut off the water, not professionals do not disassemble.

Correct use of water purifiers, in order to reduce the use of water purifiers failures, to ensure that the service life of water purifiers. (Note: the content edited from the network information, erosion and deletion)

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